
We would like to invite all 8th grade parents to join us for dinner and to have a conversation about our high school expansion and the exciting new programs that are coming in support of our new 9th grade class. Please let us know if you will be attending! RSVP (Espanol) RSVP (English)

Congratulations to the Mann UCLA Community School Musical Director Ms. Payne for receiving a Certificate of Appreciation from the City of Los Angeles. Ms. Payne teaches music class and not only gives so much to the students, but the community as well. http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/video/category/news/3608065-thousands-converge-on-south-la-for-mlk-day-parade/

We would like to invite all Mann community members and families to come to our Winter Festival on Saturday, December 3rd. There will be free breakfast starting at 10am; followed by workshops, a resource fair, music, and activities for the kids! Childcare will be provided by Beyond the Bell so adults may attend our great workshops. Everyone in the community is welcome