Mann UCLA Community School

October 2023 Updates, Updated 10/27/23

Welcome back to school Panther families!

Family Teacher Conferences – October 26

On Campus Dental Clinic – October 27

Save the Date! Fall Community Resource Fair – October 28

Fall Edition of the Panther Press (Parent/Family Newsletter)


Coffee with the Principal

Free Heart Screening!

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) kills over 350,000 people every single year in the United States alone. It leads to the loss of nearly 23,000 youth annually. SCA is the #1 cause of student death on student campuses and also of all student athletes.

Preventative heart screenings are not typically included in an athlete’s (or any young individual’s) routine physical examination, nor are asymptomatic heart screenings usually reimbursed by insurance companies.

Saving Hearts Foundation works to protect youth from sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and preventable sudden cardiac death through FREE heart screenings.

Please visit Room C-243 and talk to Ms. Kushon to make an appointment and fill out the paperwork!

El paro cardíaco súbito (PCS) mata a más de 350.000 personas cada año sólo en los Estados Unidos. Conduce a la pérdida de casi 23.000 jóvenes al año. SCA es la causa número uno de muerte de estudiantes en los campus estudiantiles y también de todos los estudiantes atletas.

Los exámenes cardíacos preventivos no suelen incluirse en el examen físico de rutina de un atleta (o de cualquier individuo joven), ni las compañías de seguros suelen reembolsar los exámenes cardíacos asintomáticos.

La Fundación Saving Hearts trabaja para proteger a los jóvenes del paro cardíaco súbito (PCS) y de la muerte cardíaca súbita prevenible mediante exámenes cardíacos GRATUITOS.

¡Visite la sala C-243 y hable con la Sra. Kushon para programar una cita y completar la documentación!

Parent Workshop

2023-2024 Bell Schedules

Please visit our bell schedule page for printable PDFs of the bell schedules.

Images are posted below:

Middle School (Grades 6-8)

High School (Grades 9-12)


Let’s have a successful school year!

Wear your uniform!

Middle School Uniform: Grey Polo & Black Pants

High School Uniform: Black Polo & Black Pants

Students who come to school without a uniform will be given a loaner shirt to wear during the school day.

The student store is open from Monday-Friday 8:30-3:00.