
Is your student struggling in their Math or English classes? Are you looking for a program to support their learning and push them to succeed? Look no further than Mann’s High-Dose After School Tutoring! This program is available to ALL GRADES (6-12) and features both homework assistance and academic enrichment activities. Along with Ms. McDaniel, experienced and highly qualified tutors

Read the latest edition of our BSAP Newsletter! Check out our BSAP page to learn more about this program dedicated to helping inspire Black students to reach their personal goals by addressing the academic and social-emotional needs of all Black students.

Greetings Mann UCLA Families,    It is with a heavy heart that I share that I am leaving my position as Principal at Mann UCLA to become the Principal at Susan Miller Dorsey High School.  I apologize for the short notice.  District leadership desires to have me move into my new position in a timely manner because of the great need.  Although this change

Read the latest edition of our BSAP Newsletter! Check out our BSAP page to learn more about this program dedicated to helping inspire Black students to reach their personal goals by addressing the academic and social-emotional needs of all Black students.