Events Calendar

Parent Workshop – Academic Fundamentals

Zoom Link: We understand how important it is for our students to stay on top of their academics. So we would like to invite you to come participate in our first virtual parent meeting as we give a brief overview of what is needed to help your student have a successful school year. During this meeting, we will discuss the […]

Evening with the Principal

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 853 2048 3160 Passcode: Mann20

Parent Meeting – Educational Resources & Self-Care Tips

Zoom Link: Virtual learning can be challenging at times for our students, so we will share resources on how students can achieve academic progress as well as provide tips on how to practice self-care to improve you and your student's overall well-being. ***Gift card raffle immediately following the meeting***

Governance Meeting

All families, teachers, community members, and stakeholders welcome! Zoom code to come.

School Site Council Meeting

All families, teachers, community members, and stakeholders welcome! Zoom code to come.

School Governance Meeting (with ELAC & SSC)

This month's ELAC (English Language Advisory Committee) meeting and SSC (School Site Council) meeting will be on Tuesday, November 17 at 3:30 PM. La reunión de ELAC (Comité Asesor de Padres) de este mes y la reunión del SSC (Consejo del Plantel Escolar) serán el martes 17 de noviembre a las 3:30 PM. The Zoom Code to join is 817 […]

8th Grade Family Meeting: High School Information Session

Join us as we talk about the process of attending high school at Mann UCLA Community School. Many unique opportunities exist for our high school students. Attend this Zoom meeting (Zoom code: 812 2074 1975) to learn more. To learn about High School Enrollment, visit our page at:

Parent Meeting – Community Based Resources

Zoom Link: One of our goals is to connect the school and the community. So in this meeting, we will provide our families with various community-based resources that will give them access to an array of services found in and around the community that we serve. ***Gift card raffle immediately following the meeting***